Owslebury & Morestead Parish

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Owslebury GrOws’ First Repair Café


We had a very successful inaugural event in Owslebury’s Parish Hall on 16th March. It started slowly, which was not a bad thing – nerves needed to be calmed! But it was not long before our nine repairers were busy returning items to working order. We saved 52kg from landfill and prevented 468kg of CO2 emissions (don’t ask how that is calculated…the Restart Project’s Fixometer does the tricky stuff for us!)

There was a very good turn out from the area….some just came for a peek or to enjoy the café (the home-made cakes were delicious!) but most came armed with things for repair. Our “master sharpener!” was kept extremely busy with a stream of secateurs needing sharpening, and we saw a good range of other things from a church hassock that needed re-backing to an electric fence that had given up the ghost. The feedback was 100% positive.

There was a definite buzz in the air (and not due to an electrical malfunction!) It was rather wonderfully old-fashioned…..people coming together to meet, share laughter, chat, enjoy delicious cakes and have a much-loved item brought back to life. What’s not to like!

We would love to get more people involved and are still looking for people to join our team of repairers. If you are a dab hand at fixing bikes, sewing, mending jewelry or just a general Mr or Mrs Fix-it then please do get in touch.

And finally, of course, thank you to all those who came along and gave it a try. It was you that made the Repair Café such a success. We hope you will spread the word, have a good rummage through those drawers and cupboards, and come back to see us on 18th May!

For more information: Monica 07986938455 / Nicky 079602531 Txt or leave a message if there is no reply