Winchester Villages Trust

Help is available to people who live in Owslebury, but in exceptional circumstances, may also be available to those who live immediately outside.

Types of help include:

  • grants of money to relieve sudden distress, sickness, or infirmity;
  • gifts in kind to help those in need such as furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, and heating appliances;
  • payment of transport costs for people entering hospital or residential homes, or for relatives visiting them;
  • the provision of tools, books, fees for examination or tuition, or travelling expenses to help people to obtain employment;
  • help for children and young people to take part in extra-curricular activities where parents cannot afford such costs, for example (but not exclusively) youth clubs, scouts, and guides, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, school outings.

To apply for a grant please email the Winchester Villages Trust Clerk:


Tel.: 07665 068556

Alternatively you can contact the Owslebury Trustee


Tel: 07958 945325

PLEASE NOTE: applications are treated in the strictest confidence