Owslebury & Morestead Parish

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Pavilion & Sports Field Committee

It was agreed at the Full Council meeting on 16 August 2021 to set up a Pavilion and Sports Field Committee, which would be chaired by Cllr Egerton. The group is constituted to assist the the Full Council on the future of the Pavilion and Sports Ground

The group will consist of Cllrs and residents who will report back to the Full Council.

Owslebury sports ground and pavilion update 24/02/23


Since our last update progress has been made in getting the sports ground back into use.

We have agreement from the two village cricket teams that they will play there this season. So you will start to see changes down at the sports ground.

We have to get the cricket pitch ready and we have organised for a 20ft green shipping container to be placed where the old pavilion was to facilitate temporary storage and changing rooms whilst we look at getting a new pavilion.

In addition to this we are going to have a Owslebury Coronation Sports day on Sunday 7th May where everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun games. More details to follow soon on this.

In terms of the new Pavilion we are still looking at different and more economical options and we aim to have an update for everyone by the 7th May.




With the pavilion in our local news for all the wrong reasons this past week we thought some positive news would be good for everyone to hear. This is that we are making steady progress with our plan to redevelop our Village green and Pavilion. You will find attached our draft plans for the green which have been drawn up using your answers to the questionnaire we sent out. As you will see we have set out to transform the area into a space that can be used by everyone from the Village plus people who wish to enjoy the South Downs National Park. We think this will bring the facility up to a standard that compares well with other villages in the area.

What we now need to do is to use these plans to establish the cost of delivering the various parts of the project. We are looking for people who are interested in quoting / helping with the development. If you are interested then please get in contact by emailing owsleburysportsground@gmail.com  so we can talk you through our requirements in more detail.

Once we have established the costs we will then look at how we will fund it. We have already started this process by applying for various grants that are available for community projects of this nature. This will be supported by a crowdfunding campaign where you can donate to the project plus we will look to run fundraising events to help us reach our target. More details about this to follow in our next update.

As we all know costs are rising everyday so it does make it challenging to budget for a project like this. It is likely we will need to break the project into phases so we can deliver everything over a period of time.

We are also looking for help with the Owslebury sports clubs especially around establishing a kids cricket and football teams. If anyone is interested in getting involved with this then please drop us a line.

We are keen to have any comments you may have at all about what we are trying to so please send them to owsleburysportsground@gmail.com. Once we have all comments in about our draft plans we will then use these to finalise the plan.


Owslebury Village and Pavilion committee.

Pavilion 1
Pavilion 2